Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So I havent posted in a while but Dallas and I are moving, so its been hectic around here. I work Fri-Mon and then have Tues-Thurs off, complete opposite schedule from Dal, of course! So its been hard trying to pack everything together. 

Anyways the house is in shambles but I made great progress today. I'm cleaning and putting EVERYTHING that can go in the laundry into the laundry! When you move it is a great time to clean and wash everything. Its a new place and I want everything to be nice, so here comes the anal retentiveness. Dallas and I always joke about the damn dishes, he says "I will do them in the new place" lol, I laugh. Anyways here is a picture of our shamble"ness" just part of it!
 It will get better, but its hard to go to sleep with a place looking like this!

Love to all!